GMR/EFC CODE OF BEST PRACTICE IN CHURCH TO CHURCH PARTNERSHIPSThe EFC Global Mission Roundtable worked with leaders across Canada to develop the Code of Best Practice in Church-to-Church Partnerships, addressing the relatively new phenomenon of churches wanting to connect and to partner directly with other churches around the world
GMR/EFC CODE OF BEST PRACTICE IN SHORT-TERM MISSIONThe Evangelical Fellowship of Canada worked with leaders across Canada to develop the Code of Best Practice in Short-term Mission. The result is a benchmark, a set of standards that flow from the desire that God be glorified in all we do and that we serve in the highest standards possible
MISSIOLOGISTA missiologist is a specialist who studies and is trained in the science of missions. However, this definition may oversimplify the task of a missiologist
RELIEFWEB We provide reliable disaster and crisis updates and analysis to humanitarians, so they can make informed decisions and plan effective assistance. Our editorial insight, combined, with access to the latest technology, allows us to provide innovative, reliable and informative products and services on a continuous, global basis
RESEARCH AND THE DOING OF MISSIONAL THEOLOGYAn unfinished draft by Paul Hiebert for a course he led in the D.Miss. program at Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon